Friday, January 4, 2013


Linden is 2 years old!!! I can hardly believe this as I type. The past 2 years have been 2 of the best years of mine and Stephens life.  I am so proud to say that I am his mom.  Linden has learned so much in the past two years and I thank everyone who had an impact on that.  Linden is very entergetic and loving, he knows how and when to say please and thank you.  Linden is very smart for his age as he is already starting the potty training process and saying his name and counting. 

For Linden's birthday we ate steaks with some friends and then took him to Chick-fil-a with his little friend Hannah.  He and Hannah played on the play ground and enjoyed ice cream.  This weekend we will have Linden's birthday party and it will be baseball themed.  He is all about any type of ball but his favorite is a bat and a baseball.  I wish he was old enough to play tee ball becuase he would be out there hitting home runs.  I will be posting pictures of his party hopefully on Monday. 

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